Welcome! :)

My name is Meg :) I'm a teenage girl blogging about random things! Fun, fun. Haha, hopefully everyone will like it :) Okay, sooooo let's lay down some ground rules.
--My Blog, My Rules.
--No rude or hateful comments.
--I welcome constructive criticism.
--Please, no inappropriate comments
--Please remember, I'm only 15...Please don't judge me on my naivety or ignorance.
Thank you sooooo much for visiting my page :D Enjoy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

25 Demotivational Posters: Part 1

Okay so, for the past year or so, I've been obsessed with demotivational posters.Why? I dunno. I may be the insane pictures, or sarcastic comments, or most likely the combination of the two. So, I've compiled a list of 25 of my favorite posters for your viewing pleasure! First of 4 parts.

I hope this at least made you chuckle a little bit!
Til next time! --Meg <3

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