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My name is Meg :) I'm a teenage girl blogging about random things! Fun, fun. Haha, hopefully everyone will like it :) Okay, sooooo let's lay down some ground rules.
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Thank you sooooo much for visiting my page :D Enjoy!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

10 Hilarious (to you) Pranks!

Okay, I know that April Fool's is wayyy far away. But that shouldn't stop the ever-lurking practical joker in all of us, right? So, I slaved over this hot keyboard forEVER trying to find the most twisted, funny, awesome pranks imaginable! So, here it is! 10 insane pranks for the twisted mind ;)

A remote control Black widow spider. A harmless* prank to play on anyone...especially people who have a deathly fear or spiders. Just wait they're sound asleep, and gently place the spider on their neck or torso. When he/she starts to stir, move the spider across the body of the victim...Then pray that they'll forgive you.
*-Be aware, the victim could very well hurt themselves

A great autumn prank to play at a park, while camping, or anywhere where there are a lot of trees. you simply wait until the vehicle is abandoned and cover the car completely in leaves!

This one is entertaining! Get a candy jar full of delicious candy(everyone loves starburst, right?), and glue the lid to the top of the jar! The victim(s) will be trying to get that sucker open for days...

Le Chia keyboard :D Just sprinkle chia seeds on an old keyboard and add water. When the seeds sprout, switch out the keyboards. When the victim comes back, all he's got is a broken keyboard and plant life.

Bloody gum! Okay, this will totally stop people from ever borrowing gum from you again! When the victim opens the pack of gum, blood goes spewing everywhere

This one is odd. haha. A refrigerator the opens the other way around. How long do you think someone would stand there and try to pry the thing open?

A great college prank. Especially when your 'friend' has a paper due. Just switch some of the keys around. the great thing is, he probably won't notice until he goes to type something--But he will be kinda ticked off. So..be prepared to run.

One false move....

This one is hilarious!

The ole' goblin popping out of the toilet trick. Must've scared the crap outta people(Pun intended).....Sicko

Tp'ing to teh extreme :)

Maybe I inspired some of you? heheheheh >:)
Til' Next time-- Meg <3